
Ok, inainte de toate, prima schimbare va fi, dupa cum citesti deja, limba.  Ma intorc (dupa 5 ani si ceva) la limba romana cu blogul. In primul rand pentru ca e mai normal asa. Majoritatea celor ce citesc acest blog se descurca binisor cu limba romana asa ca nu prea mai are rost sa scriu posturi in engleza pe care sa le traduc in particular 🙂 unuia sau altuia.

Aceasta schimbare incepe deja cu o scuza, si anume ca nu sunt fanul diacriticelor, cu atat mai mult cu cat scriu de pe un laptop sau de pe Blackberry si mi-e chiar peste mana sa stau sa caut sh-uri, tz-uri si alte cele. Daca viitorul o va cere, ma voi conforma la momentul potrivit.

In al doilea rand, ma gandesc serios sa ma mut pe un domeniu de sine statator si sa renunt la acest subdomeniu care mi-a fost pus la dispozitie din 2002. Inca cercetez piata si solutiile si probabil ma voi acest blog odata cu blogul Anei 😉

Vor fi cu siguranta mici ajustari de tema si alte cele, dar va trebui sa le iau pe rand.

Pana una alta am descoperit niste mai vechi look-uri ale site-ului, inclusiv originalul care era hostat atunci pe geocities. Isi mai aduce oare cineva aminte de geocities? Am fost sincer un pic surprins sa vad ca mai exista, si mai mult, avea inca fisierele intacte :).

Ianuarie 2002
Ianuarie 2002


2005 - Cutenews
2005 - Cutenews

Back in Business

Ok! After one year and something I kinda decided to get back on track with (so and so) regular blogging, at least at the rythm I had before this long break.

I’m (still) getting to do it in English, at least for a while. Moved on, pretty painfull, from Drupal to an easier to manage WordPress platform and as I still am in transition don’t shoot just yet.

Layers of Citizen Journalism

Since blogging and, so called, citizen journalism is on the wave here is an interesting classification of this kind of new media, which is suppose to help understand it and also help news organizations can employ the citizen-journalism concept:

1. The first step: Opening up to public comment
For some publishers skittish about allowing anyone to publish under their brand name, enabling readers to attach comments to articles on the Web represents a start. At its simplest level, user comments offer the opportunity for readers to react to, criticize, praise or add to what’s published by professional journalists.

2. Second step: The citizen add-on reporter
Recruit citizen add-on contributions for stories written by professional journalists. I mean more than just adding a “User Comments” link. I mean that with selected stories, solicit information and experiences from members of the public, and add them to the main story to enhance it.

3. Now we’re getting serious: Open-source reporting
Collaboration between a professional journalist and his/her readers on a story, where readers who are knowledgeable on the topic are asked to contribute their expertise, ask questions to provide guidance to the reporter, or even do actual reporting which will be included in the final journalistic product.

4. The citizen bloghouse
A great way to get citizens involved in a news Web site is to simply invite them to blog for it. A number of news sites do this now, and some citizen blogs are consistently interesting reads.

5. Newsroom citizen ‘transparency’ blogs
This involves inviting a reader or readers to blog with public complaints, criticism, or praise for the news organization’s ongoing work. A reader panel can be empowered via a publicly accessible blog to serve as citizen ombudsmen, of a sort, offering public commentary on how the news organization is performing. A milder form of this is the editor’s blog — typically written by a paper’s top editor and explaining the inner workings of the newsroom and discussing how specific editorial decisions are made — along with reader comments, so that the editor has a public dialog with his/her blog readers.

6. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Edited version
This next step involves establishing a stand-alone citizen-journalism Web site that is separate from the core news brand. It means establishing a news-oriented Web site that is comprised entirely or nearly entirely of contributions from the community.

7. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Unedited version
This model is identical to No. 6 above, except that citizen submissions are not edited. What people write goes on the site: blemishes, misspellings and all.

8. Add a print edition
For this model, take either No. 6 or No. 7 above (stand-alone citizen-journalism Web site, either with edited submissions or a hands-off editing approach) and add a print edition. A number of newspapers have tried this, using a print edition distributed freely once a week as an insert into a traditional daily or weekly paper, or as a stand-alone print product.

9. The hybrid: Pro + citizen journalism
A news organization that combines citizen journalism with the work of professionals.

10. Integrating citizen and pro journalism under one roof
Imagine a news Web site comprised of reports by professional journalists directly alongside submissions from everyday citizens. This is slightly different than No. 9, above, because on any one page there will be a mix of professionally written (paid) and citizen-submitted (free) content — labeled appropriately so that the reader knows what he/she is getting.

11. Wiki journalism: Where the readers are editors
Finally, in the “way out there” category, comes wiki news. The most well known example is the WikiNews site, a spin-off of the famed Wikipedia public encyclopedia, which allows anyone to write and post a news story, and anyone to edit any story that’s been posted. It’s an experimental concept operating on the theory that the knowledge and intelligence of the group can produce credible, well-balanced news accounts.

Read full 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism

Traditional media about blogsphere

The new Romanian economic weekly, Saptamana Financiara is taking up the challenge (or the trend 🙂 ) in commenting a little bit about the blog-phenomenon. Media alternative explosion in the cyberspace (Romanian only) is the title of the article commenting that “the online space is becoming more and more attractive for romanians that want to be informed quickly and efficient from independent sources and take in consideration well informed opinions on daily events”.

More than that, “in .ro world as alternative information sources, the most common are the ones in IT and business communities” and mentions Daniel Neamu Weblog as one of the most active economic weblogs, next to and

IBM starts blogging. Big time

Early next week IBM will introduce the largest ever corporate blogging initiative in a bid to encourage any of its 130,000 staff to become online evangelists for the company.

Employees will taught what blogging is, and they will be guided on what is appropriate blogging content. IBM has also set up a wiki, a simple technology that allows groups to collaborate on projects and share knowledge. Wikis are not as sophisticated as IBM’s Notes collaborative software, but they are making significant inroads within corporate departments where they sometimes displace the use of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

The goal is to help improve IBM’s competitive position in key IT markets by having more of its tech gurus participating in online communities and discussions.

This type of evangelism through blogging can be extremely effective and potentially reduce advertising and marketing costs—a very large line item for most companies.

IBM’s blogging initiative includes the publication of interviews with staff who are already bloggers and are well recognized within their online communities.

Weblog Awards

Along with 2005 Best Business Blogging awards mentioned by Dragos, you can also check out the 2005 Bloggies Awards. The final results will be available on March 14th, but meanwhile you can take a look at the nominees grouped in various categories as: best article or essay about weblog, best web application, best photography, best food weblog, best entertainment weblog, best weblog about politics, best writing, best community weblog, best designed weblog and so on.